If neither dominant party represents you, consider the Libertarian Party.

Debate Watch

The June 27, 2024 debate … disappointed.  Neither candidate answered the question asked. I'm confident there was misinformation from both candidates. Statistics can be manipulated to show the bias of those who quote the stats.

Biden struggled. Trump was calm, versus his usual bombastic self. My mind was NOT changed, NOT even in the slightest degree.

There are other candidates for President.

The staleness of D vs R talking points … YAWN!

My view of the 90 minutes of stale, entrenched thinking:

Follow the ConstitutionNONO
Arrest Legal PlunderNONO
Address the massive Federal Debt NONO
Defy the Military–Industrial Complex   NOMaybe a little
Return social issues to the Sovereign States   NOMaybe some
Facilitate incremental border security
that requires two–thirds affirmative vote  
Balance the Federal Budget   NO!NO
Diminish the secret Surveillance State
via massive declassification  
Address Inflation by reducing federal spending   NONO

My positions on the above issues.

Follow Up – July 12

It was obvious Mr Biden is unfit to serve as President. To have this discussion linger for weeks … insane. It is time for Ds to initiate Amendment XXV.
If retaining power is paramount Vice President Harris would continue as a D President, right?

So, who has the nuclear football after 4:00pm?  And who will answer the 3:00am call?

Can the Ds violate their own primary/convention process?  How will voters react?

Primaries are Behind Us

As we are now passed primary season I leave some notes on the R primary debates.

GOP 4 – Dec 6, 2023

This was the most watchable debate. The warhawk and sabre–rattler were brought to light. Citizen Ramaswamy was still my favorite.

Red State / Blue State Debate – Nov 30

Horrible … next

GOP 3 – Nov 8

New legitimate questions posed:

GOP 2 – Sep 27

Two calm candidates earned by ear – Gov Doug Burgum and Sen Tim Scott. Citizen Ramaswamy was the front–runner and target … he lost some of his cool. President Trump was wise to NOT participate.

The format of the debate needed obvious improvement. I floated:

GOP 1 – Aug 23

Chaos – too much talking over each other. There were many issues brought up. My website addresses many of them. I voted Mike Pence, Chris Christie, and Asa Hutchinson off the island.

Life, Liberty!, Property

Web Author - Mike Kolls