Kolls for Congress   

Gov't Score



President Trump


Supreme Court


0% is Tyranny 50% is Moderate (yet still BIG gov't) 100% is Free

Keeping Score My 2024 Campaign

Five Weeks In

It is clear the focus is on an all–powerful, imperial President (item 3. below). I look forward to Congress taking on its responsibility to speak for
We The People.

Starting 17-Feb … I'm looking for a story involving Congress (my main focus). Also, if there is a SCOTUS story, I'll have an entry.

The Vision

When will the will of The People start to be carried out?  Can the Swamp be drained?  Will the second Trump administration provide the needed disruption?

I fully support DOGE and root against the Progressive "dream" of creeping cradle–to–grave bureaucraZy. Let the transformation begin!

My next phase to influence governance is to evaluate the federal gov't with President Trump (47) at the helm.

My Process

My standards are:  (1 is TOP Priority)
  1.   Governance is SHARED between the Sovereign States (with most of the duties) and the federal gov't (with few, enumerated duties)
       Federalist Papers # 42 thru # 47. Jefferson was right.
  2.   Congress, especially the House of Representatives, has authority FOR THE PEOPLE – to do the will of the people
  3.   The Executive is too powerful, an imperial Presidency. This authority must be regained by Congress, to align with
       The Constitution of the United States
  4.   Our federal courts rule based on The Constitution of the United States. They cannot be political, nor legislate from the bench.

I will score the nightly lead story from Bret Baier. Each topic will also be weighted (0 is of NO importance). The topic can be applied to Congress (my main focus), the Pesident, and/or SCOTUS. The nightly topic may yield an "entry" for multiple branches.

My scoring will encompass FY25, starting 20-Jan-2025. Updates to this page will be made weekly.

Keep Me Honest

If I omit pertinent info on a topic, I'd like to hear from you. I will most certainly consider your comment … I may even cite your comment and revise my daily score.

Email to kollsforcongress@yahoo.com … for now.

2024 Campaign Site

My run for office will substantiate my current monitoring.

Life, Liberty!, Property

Web Author - Mike Kolls