If neither dominant party represents you, consider the
Libertarian Party.
Reform of Federal Legislation
The purpose of Law is to curb behavior dangerous to society. In our US heritage this is distilled into defending
Liberty, and legally obtained
Laws must be applied equally to everybody.
Legal Plunder

Consider the definition
Law that takes from one person and gives it to another person,
without the law in place, the only way to accomplish the same outcome is by theft.
Paraphrased from The Law (1850) by Frederic Bastiat – a
must read!
Thru this lens most programs created by federal legislation are Legal Plunder, including:
- Social Security
- Medicare and Medicaid
- The "Affordable" Care Act / Socialized Medicine
- Any program funded by tax receipts … NOT benefitting the same taxpayers
Correction #1
Many federal laws benefit some or an identified subset of society. These laws do NOT apply equally to everybody; they are exceedingly far from just.
I see the following abuses:
- "The Rich" are afforded speical privileges to create and then defend their wealth/empire
- The poor, unfortunate, and unlucky are subsidized by taxpayers
- but NOT "The Rich" … they have special tax breaks
- Middle class taxpayers foot the bill for everything! and receive NO benefits
Legal Plunder cannot stand. It is obviously unjust and amoral.
I favor a general repeal/reform of all Legal Plunder. From my perspective this includes all federal laws passed since 1911,
including constiutional amendments. This should eliminate almost all Legal Plunder (unjust) laws.
Sunset Provisions
New or re-legislated laws should include a sunset provision to limit the duration of the law. I favor a 12 year maximum duration.
This would allow
bad laws to quietly fade away. It would also require
good laws to be re-legislated.
These renewals could be improved by legislators. Over a short time only effective, enforcable laws would be
on the books.
Corporate Law Reforms
The fiction of
corporate personhood has caused many unintended consequences. First of all,
an artificial corporate
person has more power and less responsiblity. Each
real person has less power and retains full responsibility.
This it the antithesis of fair. How did we get here?
When corporate officers become accountable for their actions there will be less fraud committed on The People. Then, people truly injured
will receive damage judgements that are just.
We The People & Revived Political Power
And the end of
corporate personhood would return political power to We The People. Corporate entities could NO longer make
large political contributions. This is a yuge incidental benefit of ending
corporate personhood and eliminating corporate
limited liability.
In a republic the gov't works for The People (the real people). It is NOT the other way around.
Current Trends
6/27/24 – Julian Assange is FREE; this is justice delayed. He should NOT have had to plea deal to gain his release.
Chelsea Manning was pardoned. Why wasn't Julian? Those responsible for his unjust confinement MUST be brought to justice.
When will we see Edward Snowden exhonorated? And the Jan 6 protestors?
These abuses of power MUST be exposed. We The People deserve to
know the truth.
Equity, in its present form, is clearly Legal Plunder – only some gain.
As all are equal under the law and Legal Plunder favors some … Equity ≠ Equality
April 4, 2023
I hope
my prediction is considered overly critial … and proven false.
And an
activist judge should NOT be able to impede a presidential candidate – Feb '24.
Life, Liberty!, Property
Web Author - Mike Kolls