If neither dominant party represents you, consider the
Libertarian Party.
Influential Books
My public mind has been nurtured by many books. They will inform you of my thinking as a public servant.
- The Bible – Faith demands that we help each other
- US Bill of Rights, especially Amendment IX
- Declaration of Independence – what can a distant central gov't inflict upon The People?
- The Law by Frederic Bastiat (1850) –
Legal Plunder … what gov't does, but shouldn't
- The Federalist Papers by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay
- George Washington: Writings by Library of America – a glimpse into the mind of the indispensable man
- The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand – Howard Roark, a true hero who stands on Truth and conviction
- The Marshall Plan by Benn Steil –
Ukraine is the ongoing provocation of Russia by NATO
- America's War for the Greater Middle East by Andrew J. Bacevich – the futility of foreign wars
- Secrets of the Temple by William Greider – a century of Fed induced
- Foreign Affairs Magazine – how do unelected bureaucrats affect
world affairs?
- The Fourteenth Amendment by William E Nelson – the closure of the War Between the States
- A History of the Supreme Court by Bernard Schwartz
- Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay – a peek into today's academia
- Common Sense by Thomas Paine – just what is the United States?
- The Last Jeffersonian by Ryan S Walters … a little preachy at the end
- Original Intent by David Barton – how far are we off our
constitutional course?
- Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky – the true evil of zero-sum politics
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great
Depression and the New Deal by Robert P Murphy, PhD
Mike Kolls
The federal gov't is operating far outside the
The Constitution of the United States.
I saw this in 2009 amidst the debate over the "Affordable" Care Act.
I still do NOT see how the federal gov't can compel its citizens to buy a product … one it may NOT want, nor can afford.
Fortunately, the
Individual Mandate was removed by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (2017).
In 2009 I was politically re-awakened by the TEA Party movement. The planks of fiscal responsibility and limited gov't rang especially true for me.
By 2012 I found the
Libertarian Party. I was a congressional candidate in 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2022.
Project Manager
Professionally I am a Project Manager within Information Technology. My first project was Year 2000 planning and then making
some of the computer programming changes.
The following discipline could be applied successfully to being a representative to the federal gov't:
- identifying the work/scope,
- deconstructing/separating the tasks,
- assessing risk,
- monitoring the work,
- working issues, and
- making sure all interested parties are informed
Do Senators and Representatives have this kind of experience?
Besides political theory (list above) I try to read about:
- The Bible and Lutheran theology
- United States history – our founding and the early republic
- Some science fiction or fiction … a rare read
Life, Liberty!, Property
Web Author - Mike Kolls