Lutheran Theology w/ Mike Kolls


Greeting. Thank you for visiting. I hope the material presented informs you and challenges you.

My home church is Immanuel Lutheran in Harrold, TX.  Previously, I was a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (POPLC) in Carrollton, Texas – Jan 2018 thru April 2024.

We are part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).

If you would like to talk about theology, please reach out to me at


Starting 5/5/24 we will study the parables taught by Jesus. We will focus on the parables shared in the Gospel account of St. Luke.

Parables are:

Understanding the parables of Jesus requires belief, a.k.a. the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. To those outside Faith parables are gibberish.

Wikipedia offers some good insights. However, some parables on Wikipedia's list are NOT true parables … more to follow.


A discussion of Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves ran 4/10 thru 5/8/24. LOVE is the primary attribute/perfection of God. Agape love amongst the Trinity explains the Christian faith. Other belief systems (without Trinity) are vastly different.


Our small group discussed What Does This Mean? by James W Voelz. We met from 10/11/23 to 2/29/24 (twice a month).

We presented to a men's Bible study on 4/23/24.

Lutheran planks of hermeneutics include:

  1.   God has acted (and will act) in human history
  2.   Scripture is the record of His activity
  3.   Scripture is God–breathed, inerrant, and infallible
  4.   Scripture is in perfect unity in theme and in content
  5.   The person and work of Jesus is the subject of Scripture, both Old Testament and New Testament

For correct hermeneutics, our view is from the certainty of Eternity Future
… by faith.  Past events because of what is to come.

Amidst perceived errors … God superintends His Scripture to reveal His Truth.
We can confidently say the Bible is God–breathed, inerrant, and infallible.

And we have Ed's outline/notes …

Law & Gospel

A small group discussed The Proper Distinction between Law and Gospel by C.F.W. Walther. We met between April 16 and Sept 27, 2023.

I presented a summary (40 min) of Law and Gospel on Nov 21, 2023. My presentation starts at 9:46.

Church and State

Just how does the separation of church and state work?  The wall is NOT in The Constitution of the United States … if you find it, show me where.


If you'd like to discuss governance (NOT politics) …