If neither dominant party represents you, consider the Libertarian Party.

Federal Taxes

Our current federal Tax Code is the epitome of a Kludgeocracy. It is much more so exceptions than any discernible rules; throw it out!

We should re–implement apportionment of federal taxes to the sovereign states, a pre–Amendment XVI method (repeal Amendment XVI). This would eliminate federal income taxes and eliminate the need for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

As Texas has 38 congressional districts it would pay 8.70% of federal taxes – 38 / 437, assuming 2 Representatives for the District of Columbia.

Revenue from 50 sovereign states is more manageable than 213,400,000 (online) taxes filed. The collection duties of the IRS could likely be accomplished by a congressional committee, eliminating the most adversarial federal agency … 79,000 employees.

State Flexibility

Each sovereign state could raise their tax apportionment as it sees fit:

State Influence

The real gain is that each sovereign state would have input to the federal revenue target. If federal spending is too extravagant states may withhold a portion of their apportionment.

I see this as a great check on uncontrolled spending by the federal gov't. A much necessary check.

I also see grants (sent to the states) eliminated, thus reducing all federal apportionments to the states.

Isn't our republic a confederation?  The current massive federal gov't falsely sees our union as a consolidation with an ALL powerful federal gov't. This openly defies our Constitution and its supporting Federalist Papers 42 thru 47.

While we're at it, let's consider a repeal of Amendment XVII. 1913 was an especially bad year.

The Switch

The switch from federal collection of individual income taxes to states paying an apportioned amount can happen at any time. With legislation, or better yet a constitutional amendment repealing Amendment XVI, can make one BIG move or be set for a future date to swing to apportionment.

An Article V Convention of the States may be necessary.

Whatever the timing, annual spending cuts would be in place to reduce the massive federal debt.

Life, Liberty!, Property

Added March '24
Web Author - Mike Kolls