If neither dominant party represents you, consider the Libertarian Party.

Is War Our Nature?

Why is armed conflict constant in human history?  Is our nature to elevate ourselves at the expense of others?  Is this behavior depraved?

Consider US armed conflicts. There are but a few years without US conflict with other nations.

Why can't we all just … get along?

Empires are Expensive

History clearly shows that empires cannot be maintained forever – Greece, Rome, England, and Germany all lost their dominance. If the US persists in pursuit of superpower via military force, the end is historically certain.

Why is world domination so desirable?

At a lower level, do each of us want to be an influencer? … elevating ourselves at the expense of others?  Is selfishness man's fatal flaw?

Cold Wars

The Cold War with Russia is over. A second Cold War with China is forming. Another horrible waste!  Aren't these wars really …

The Arena of Economic Ideas

Is Capitalism a better system than Communism?  Do we fight a series of wars to impose our idea?  It seems much better to allow each system to operate. At a point in time (30 years hence?) observe the other nations. Which camp has gained adherents?  Which idea resonates with The People of the world?  And allow the experiment to continue for both causes.

I believe Capitalism is the better system. I'm confident that a fair competition between Capitalism and Communism will declare Capitalism to be a better system (absent Keynesian nonsense). Let China be Communist and influence other nations. Let's see which economic system is embraced by the other nations. Just the economic system – NO military force to support the system.

Let Cali Try

Can our most prosperous sovereign state (accomplished via Capitalism) adopt Communism?  What a great experiment!  I support the test as long as California citizens vote for it to happen.

Political forces are driving Cali to the far left, towards Communism. Let's see what happens. Can Communism address the needs of 39,000,000 Californians?  Will the citizens and residents of a Communist Cali confirm they have a better life?  Again, let Cali try.

Texas to be Capitalist

As a citizen of Texas I'm willing to let Cali try Communism. Yet, if given a referendum, I'd vote to have Texas formally adopt a Capitalist economic system. Again, without Keynesian nonsense.

Life, Liberty!, Property

Added May '24
Web Author - Mike Kolls