If neither dominant party represents you, consider the Libertarian Party.


The sovereign nation of Iran, a fellow hegemon, is certainly a challenge of proper foreign affairs. We are NOT traditional partners. We see society and faith/religion vastly differently.

From my position in The House, my focus is to limit foreign entanglements. My comments below should bolster that position. I am NOT jealous of Senators whose focus is amongst the nations of the world.

Sovereign Nation

The failed coup of 1951 has strained Iran's relations with The West. Iran and the US are NOT partners, rather suspicious hegemons. Beltway bureaucrats see Iran as an adversary. I see a future trading partner.

Iran, as a sovereign nation, has every right to pursue a nuclear bomb. But, if ya can't use one, why have one?


Iran is a Shi'ite theocracy. Islam and Sharia Law are integrated and define society.

Amendment I should instruct US "leaders" to respect religious conscience.

However, the differences between Sharia Law and Western/US Law create contention. The West disagrees with the defense of Muhamed to include death. Sharia enforces social norms and prosecutes religious apostacy. These are understandably points of irritation and misunderstanding for both sides.


The creation of the nation of Isra'el and the West's subsequent defense is an ongoing aggravation to Iran and fellow Arab nations.

Today, how would the US feel about the world granting our (theoretical) enemy possession of Northern Washington (state) thru Southern California?  Those with whom we have bad blood were set up and then protected by the powers of the world. Former Westcoast residents would be powerless to influence what was their home.

Western Military Bases

First, why do we have military bases throughout the Middle East?  Do War Hawks see Middle East land as territory of the United States?  This is another obvious irritation to the sovereign states of the Middle East.

Current attacks on US military bases … can be explained.

Peace with Iran?

Honoring national sovereignty, I see peace with Iran to include:

Life, Liberty!, Property

added Nov 2023
Web Author - Mike Kolls