If neither dominant party represents you, consider the Libertarian Party.

Appropriation Bills

It is time to properly fund the federal gov't by returning to (the historical) Appropriation Bills. These spending measures should be presented, debated, and voted on. My suggested order to address the twelve appropriation bills:

FirstLegislative Branch As bills first require congressional approval …
SecondFinancial Services and  
General Gov't
Treasury, Office of the President, operations of Washington, DC, and federal
courts are constitutionally required.
& Fourth
Defense Further appropriations for Veterans Affairs and military construction should
be included in this appropriation bill. This will eliminate one appropriation bill.
FifthA re–evaluation of
Homeland Security
The nature of Defense should secure the homeland, right?
I see an agency dissolved and one less appropriation bill.
SixthState and Foreign
We will still need to diplomatically interact with the other sovereign nations.
Seventh  Energy and Water
These vital requirements of life should be managed cooperatively by the
Sovereign States directly connected with these resources. They are
regional concerns … perhaps requiring a degree of federal observation.

For the Sovereign States

The remaining appropriation bills fund past federal usurpation of duties that are better performed by the Sovereign States. I favor trimming federal involvement as control is restored to the Sovereign States.

These to be eliminated appropriation bills include:

  1.   Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration
  2.   Commerce, Justice, and Science
  3.   Interior and Environment
  4.   Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education
  5.   Transportation and Housing and Urban Development

Life, Liberty!, Property

added Jan 2024
Web Author - Mike Kolls