If neither dominant party represents you, consider the Libertarian Party.

NO More Political Corruption

End sovereign immunity for federal office holders.

Corrupt politicians you are on notice. Admit your breach of trust, repay your ill–gotten gain, and stop being corrupt. Else, you will be brought to justice.

Honorable public servants, THANK YOU. I want to join you.

Many citizens see the federal gov't as corrupt and irredeemable. We NO longer trust our public institutions. People, demand better. You are the true seat of authority. Only elect and re–elect honorable candidates. If there are NO honorable candidates, consider running for office, or a Libertarian candidate.

The Responsible Congressman Pledge

If elected I will seek fellow Congressmen to sign the following pledge. If I am NOT elected, I will also seek out Congressmen to sign this pledge following the 2024 elections.

I pledge to:

And Then

As honor is established in the House of Representatives, this afirmation should reach out to the other chamber. A smaller audience … an easier task?

We then travel down the Constitution to Article II, the Executive department …

Today, I see SCOTUS as self–regulated. A similar pledge from the Justices and their staffs should confirm my assessment.

Past Corruptions

"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."
  –   Mahatma Ghandi

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obliged to do so."
  –   Thomas Jefferson

There are volumes of complaints (and ill–gotten gains) prior to today (June '24). While rectifying all past abuses would be satisfying, it is simply NOT possible. I hope personal conscience nags to the deepest part of the soul.

Yet, the goal is to root out corruption and set up a framework to curb future corruption. The malignant politicians of the past may get away with past schemes. But there should be few schemes going forward. And troubled consciences may, with time, confess …

Concerning patronage, kickbacks, sweetheart deals, influence selling, secret servers, dossiers, and election interference … they are soon to be relegated to political history.

Restore Our Republic

Restore our miraculous republic!

Life, Liberty!, Property

Added June '24
Web Author - Mike Kolls